Nature and its power

Benefits of being in nature

As has long been known, spending time in nature is very beneficial for people. And it doesn't have to be active or high-level sport! A simple walk or just 'being' in nature is enough!
According to new finish study  (01/2023), which gathered responses from 16,000 people, every trip to the greenery (forest, mountains, fields, even a city park) is very meaningful and has many health benefits. Those who went into nature 3-4 times a week were 33% less likely to take medication for depression or anxiety, 36% less likely to take blood pressure medication, and 26% less likely to need asthma medication. This was compared to people who went to green areas once a week. The likelihood of needing medication decreased even more if people went into nature 5 times a week - specifically by 41%. In many countries (all Scandinavian countries, England, Germany, Japan, Canada, etc.), doctors directly prescribe time and walks in nature as therapy. In others (originating in Japan), there are 'centers' directly in the forest where people go to take so-called forest bathing - watching the stars, listening to the sounds of the forest, lying on the grass or under trees; slowly and mindfully taking short walks in nature.
Even the act of walking in nature has a beneficial effect on health. You can read about its effects here or here (in English).