Exploratory and connecting walks through nature
Join me on an unconventional walk where you can relax, (re)connect with nature, get to know yourself and others better, and explore the environment in which you live, or where the walk takes place.
Often as a society, we are very separated and detached from nature, which is our original home. In the past, we lived in it much more frequently, even directly resided in it, drew energy and inspiration from it, and were not afraid of the night, mud, or common animals. However, since the industrial revolution, modern humans have somewhat distanced themselves from "wild" nature and only occasionally venture into it, as they concentrate their lives in cities and dwellings. Many sedentary jobs in front of computers do not contribute to our physical or mental health.
92 %
of our daily time we spent "locked" inside in buildings
per week spending time
in nature
33 %
can reduce the incidence of depression and anxiety by up to a third
What will you gain by joining the walk?

The walks with me will allow you to:
- take time just for yourself, and you'll be able to "switch off," relax, and let go of control (everything is planned for you!)
- gain strength and energy from nature; you'll have the opportunity to fully enjoy nature as you haven't in a long time
- treat your body with movement and support your physical health
- do something good for your mental health, reduce stress, and positively support your nervous system's function
- reflect on various topics and questions that are currently relevant in your life (about your life, relationships, your nature, characteristics, behavior patterns, and habits)
- share your feelings, thoughts, opinions, ideas, or needs with others and with nature
- get inspired by others
- it's very likely that you'll find answers to long-standing questions because being in nature is exceptional and healing :)
As a bonus, you'll discover natural and/or cultural landmarks and interesting things you'll encounter during the walk.
To get out!

The goal of the walks I offer is to get OUT:
- literally, out into the fresh air of nature or the city, where you'll clear your mind, reconnect with our beautiful but endangered planet, and most importantly, with your body.
- out of your established life patterns and daily routinesthat don't serve you
- out of indoor environmentwhere you breathe stagnant air, bacteria, mites, and other harmful microorganisms
- out of stiffness and stress, straight into movement, into your body, into relaxation
- out into our original natural environment - into nature!
Price and registration
The price for one group walk is 350 CZK (14€) or 750 CZK (30€)/hour for an individual walk.
Participants cover their own travel expenses.
In case of unfavorable weather, the full amount will be refunded to you.
If you are interested, please contact me at filip.knazek@gmail.com or register through the platform Naučmese.cz.
A very pleasant format for discussion amidst an interesting environment during the walk. Personally, I found it more appealing than meeting in a cafe or restaurant. If similarly interesting people gather on future occasions, I can only recommend it.
Jaromír Svobodasoftware manager, Brno, Czechia
Filip, as a facilitator, led me to start listening to my needs and being true to myself and others. He undoubtedly helped me bring out the inner child that had been hiding for a long time and wanted to play.
Yiannis Simosactor, Athens, Greece
Filip is a dedicated individual, and thanks to him, this experience was more intense than I could ever have imagined. I felt very safe in his presence to honestly express my emotions and needs.
Anita Sousapsychology students, Coimbra, Portugal
Combining a walk, deep conversations, and coaching is a great idea :-).
Jiří PodhorskýIT programmer, Brno, Czechia
Filip creates a safe yet highly stimulating environment for growth. His consistency and integrity quickly gained my trust. I thoroughly enjoyed moments when he shared his authentic and "crazy" parts with us. I felt seen and welcomed around him.
Nefeli Kyriakidosprimary school teacher, Peloponisos, Greece